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Star Charge leads global EV charger market for a decade
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In a showcase of cutting-edge technology and industry trends, Star Charge held its inaugural "Zero-Cost Upgrade, Era of Supercharging" global press conference in Chongqing, the largest municipality in Southwest China, on April 18th. During the event, Star Charge unveiled its ambitious ten-year plan for developing supercharging stations and announced the launch of the "Endurance Alliance" project in collaboration with several industry leaders. Recently, the prestigious global market research firm Frost & Sullivan awarded Star Charge with certification for "Charging Pile Ranked First Globally by Ten-year Cumulative Sales Volume." Since 2017, Star Charge has led the way in supercharging technology research, culminating in the introduction of its first supercharging product. After seven years of iterative development, the company's "supercharging" lineup now supports a 1000V high-voltage platform, delivering up to 960kW of power with a rated current of 600A and a maximum current output of 800A, enabling "a 3-minute charge for a 400-kilometer range" energy replenishment. Star Charge has also introduced innovative DPA power pool technology and an intelligent cloud platform, along with advanced energy scheduling and transaction capabilities, providing comprehensive lifecycle services for stations, from investment and site selection to operation, maintenance, and microgrid upgrades. In pursuit of enhanced user experiences and service quality, Star Charge has rolled out platform upgrades and launched the Smart Operation 3.0 standard and system, featuring three key areas: business rights, user growth, and leadership in star-rated stations. Through technological empowerment of its partners, Star Charge is spearheading high-quality development in the charging industry. With a national presence spanning over 350 cities and regions, Star Charge boasts a user base exceeding 20 million and serves more than 15,000 partners with operations across 80,000 charging stations.
Sponsored by: General Office and Foreign Affairs Office of Changzhou Municipal People’s Government All rights reserved
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