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Notice for Expats Coming Back to Work in Changzhou
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創新型冠狀病菌感動的傳染病傳染病風險防控階段 關與企業公司外國籍工作人員返常警醒作用 Notice for Expats Coming Back to Work in Changzhou In Response to the Ongoing Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia

一、高鐵站重要環節 1、進入的要求:吸收檢驗檢疫成員估測體溫表;吸收候機樓處理成員問詢(20年1月份18日來說是到過山東和四川位置、是與山東、四川位置來常成員或病疫情染上成員有接處,事實呈報);國際英文班機需提交中華公民共合國出進入建康聲明函卡;國產班機需提交建康核查表。 For air travelers: Please take the temperature check carried out by boarder inspection officers; Answer the officer’s questions and report honestly about whether you have visited Hubei or Zhejiang provinces, had close contacts with anyone coming to Changzhou from the two provinces or any infected patients; Complete the Health Declaration Card if you are traveling from anywhere outside of China; Complete the Health Information Form if you are traveling within China.


For enterprise staff picking up expats: You will need to fill in the expat’s information at each road-side checkpoint in advance and cooperate with the inspection officers for registration and filing. After arriving at the airport, you need to bring photocopies of your company’s business license and other relevant documents, and take a temperature check while wearing a mask before entering the arrival area. 3. 聯系聯系電話 For consultation: (1)北京浦東新區飛機場(Shanghai Pudong International Airport):021-68345634 (2)武漢虹橋高鐵站(Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport):021-22351602 (3)成都祿口火車站(Nanjing Lukou International Airport):025-12360 (4)蘇南碩放飛機場(Sunan Shuofang International Airport):0510-12360 (5)常熟國.際候機樓(Changzhou Benniu International Airport):0519-12360 二、入常節點 1、乘車機動車打開常熟:須從G42薛家道口打開;大公司堤前派人派車(隨身攜帶大公司每天的運營工商營業執照復本等相認定書的材料)在道口熱情接待,時聽取事情小編在測量正常體溫、檢測個人信息證件材料,簽定涉及口頭協議書后必須清關。 For road travelers: If you are traveling to Changzhou by highway, head to the G42 Xuejia entrance. Your company should send someone (together with the photocopies of business license and other relevant documents) to receive you at the road-side checkpoint. You may enter Changzhou only after taking the temperature and ID check and signing the relevant letter of commitment as requested by the inspection officers. 2、載客高鐵動車開啟廣東:商家分批派人派車(過飛機安檢公司的經營數據稅務登記備案證影印件等相事實證明村料)在出站口商談,加上火車站方法專業工人在測量正常體溫、審單定位正件及問詢后,加上居往地原因規劃區方法專業工人最好文件登記備案正后方可離站。 For railway travelers: If you are traveling to Changzhou by railway, your company should send someone (together with the photocopies of business license and other relevant documents) to receive you at the railway station. You may exit the station only after taking the temperature and ID check and answering the relevant questions on site and completing information registration as requested by the officers administering your residential area.

三、入住宅區原則 進來住居樓區:需安裝疫防規定,協調一致在線測量量體溫、定位資料核驗及問詢(提倡確定泰語翻譯隨同)。 Requirements for entering community residences: You will need to take a temperature and ID check and answer the relevant questions according to the required prevention methods. It is suggested to have an interpreter there with you. 四、某個事宜 Other requirements: 1、返常后,需自測防護要進行隔離1四天,人建康方面可關閉防護要進行隔離。 After returning to Changzhou, you need to follow a 14-day self-quarantine, after which you may stop the quarantine if you are confirmed to be healthy. 2、實現不串門子、不聚合、否則不在外時,在外時需戴呼吸閥口罩。 Do not visit other people, avoid any kinds of gatherings, and make as few trips outside as possible. If you do have to go outside, wear a mask at all times. 3、基港、臺、澳門地的知名人士,操作繼續執行。 The above-said measures may be referred to for expats from Hong kong, Taiwan and Macao . 4、作出建議要點僅限基準,請各企業的廣泛私信最進新冠疫情應急處置關于的新鮮事了和相私信意要點。 The Notice herein is for reference only. Please pay close attention to the most recent preventive and control measures as well as any relevant news and notices.

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